The Whiskey Sets

In December 2018, the Lone Star Whiskey Society curator and his good friend each received an advent calendar of whiskeys from their wonderful wives. These two men so enjoyed the experience of tasting various whiskeys, and more importantly sharing their thoughts about these whiskeys, that the curator thought, "Why don't we put together a selection of whiskeys for people to try out?" and so he set out to figure how to do it.

Set #1 - Jul 2019

After much research, whiskey sampling, bottle waxing experimentation, whiskey sampling, prototyping, and some further whiskey sampling, the first set was offered in July 2019. It was a huge success.

Set #2 - Dec 2019

The next set was offered in December 2020, and demand for the set increased greatly, with the curator having to create a waiting list for customers. Sadly, not everyone got a set, and some individuals found their stocking empty that Christmas. It was a happy holiday for some, and a disappointing time for others.

Whiskey Shootout - Mar 2020

One of the aspects the curator likes about this group is the community feel--the ability to chat with others about whiskey, share tasting notes, and just relax while enjoying a crafted beverage. So, in spring 2020, the curator announced an in-person event with country music, BBQ, whiskey tasting, and a guest speaker. It was going to be an epic gathering at the end of March. Then COVID hit and we had to cancel the event.

Set #3 - Dec 2020

Back by popular demand, we're opening up the vaults to offer another set, just in time for the