Whiskey Ratings Guide
(These are by no means official)
98 – 100 (A+) = Among the best ever tasted.
This is the promised land where every sense is satisfied and, unless it’s a perfect 100, you have to search for what’s wrong instead of what’s right about this whiskey, because it’s that good.
93 – 97 (A) = Superior in every way. Want a case.
These are the best of the best and within spitting distance of an A+. They embody everything that category is about and elevates it to another level.
90 – 92 (A-) = Excellent – Want a couple.
Whiskeys that hit this rating are extra awesome. They’re delicious and complex. Even though they are not quite best-in-class, they’re among your favorite whiskeys and you would definitely recommend them to anyone.
87 – 89 (B+) = Great – Always want a bottle.
These are whiskeys that as soon as you taste them you say “I want to own a bottle.” It’s not a record breaker by any means, just a solidly great whiskey.
83–86 (B) = Good – Might buy now and then.
The majority of baselines are found here. This range is where the “daily drinker” status starts to emerge; it’s where you find whiskeys that are good to drink, but may rotate in and out of your collection. They’re not something you’d miss when it’s out, but good enough to give it consideration when at the store.
80–82 (B-) = Not-too-bad - Worth trying
This is the stuff you might try at the bar, at an event or at a friend’s house before buying a bottle. There’s nothing wrong with it, it’s just not… quite… there.
77–79 (C+) = Average – Not good, not bad, just is
There might be some minor flaws, all-in-all it’s not offensive, but it might be boring. There’s just nothing noteworthy about this whiskey.
73–76 (C) = Below average – Better as a mixer
It’s not like you actually want to drink this stuff, but sometimes you’re at a wedding and it just happens to be there, or it’s “happy hour” pricing, so you grin and bear a glass.
70 – 72 (C-) = Not good – Nearly undrinkable
When you drink this stuff you wonder if the Master Distiller is actually proud of what they’ve put out or if it’s something they just shove out the door to make a quick buck.
60 – 69 (D) = Terrible - Wouldn’t buy ever.
You can barely swallow it. It’s just plain gnarly.
59 – 0 (F) = Horrifically flawed – The worst.
This is when you call the FDA because you’re pretty sure it’s not safe to drink this swill.